πŸš€ A Simple Guide to Launching Static  Website on Amazon EC2

πŸš€ A Simple Guide to Launching Static Website on Amazon EC2


3 min read

Are you eager to set up your own website but find the process overwhelming? Fear not! In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps of launching a second Amazon EC2 instance in a different Availability Zone within the same AWS region. You don't need to be an IT expert to follow along; just follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Downloading User Data

First things first, let's download the necessary user data from this link.


Step 2: Choosing the Right AWS Region

Make sure you've selected the correct AWS region. In the top navigation bar, set it to N. Virginia (us-east-1). Now, head to the AWS main page and use the service search bar to look for "EC2." Select EC2 from the search results.

  • Step 3: Launching an Instance

    On the EC2 dashboard, click "Launch Instance."

    Step 4: Configuring Your Instance

    • Type in the Instance Name, let's call it WebServer01.

    • Select the Application and OS Image as Amazon Linux AWS.

    • Choose the Amazon Free Tier eligible machine image - Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM).

    • Set the Instance Type to t2.micro.

Step 5:Instance Type

  • Choose Amazon Free tier eligible machine image -Amazon Linux 2AMI(HVM)

  • Choose Instance Type -t2.micro

    Step 6:Keypair | Network and Security Settings

  • Choose Keypair -Proceed without a key pair (Non recommended )

  • Edit Network settings

    1.For VPC -Choose , choose cloud-first-steps/LabVPC .

    Your solution will fail if you do not choose this VPC.

    2.For Subnet, choose the subnet in the us-east-1a Availability Zone

  • Select Create security group option

    1.Type security group -Security-group-Lab

    2.Type Description -HTTP security Group

    3.For Type -Choose HTTP

    Step 7: Storage option

  • In Configuration storage option -Confirmed select gp2

    Step 8:Advanced Details

  • Expand the Advance details option

  • Open the user-data file in Notepad that you downloaded earlier, and then review the content.

    • This user data script launches a web server, using port 80, to display internal information about the instance.

    • The code block in your file is longer than what is displayed in the screenshot example

      Step 9 :Uploading User Data

    • Click on "Choose file" and select the user-data file you reviewed. Make sure to review the content.

  • Step 10:Launching Your Instance

  • Review the Summary section and click on "Launch Instance."

    Step 11:Checking Instance Status

    In the success alert, review the message with the Instance ID. Click on "View all instances."

  • Step 12:Verifying Running State

  • In the Instances section, choose the check box to select your EC2 instance

  • Under Instance state, review to ensure that the instance is Running before proceeding.

  • After the instance state displays Running, under Public IPv4 address, click the copy icon to copy the provided address.

  • Step 13 : Accessing Your Website

  • Once the instance is running, copy the Public IPv4 address. Paste it in a new browser tab's address bar and press Enter. Voila! You should now see the details about your instance, and the user data script generates a webpage displaying internal information. Congratulations, you've successfully launched your own website on Amazon EC2! πŸŽ‰

The user data script generates a webpage to display the instance details

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_ Thank you for readingπŸ’š

_Sprasad 🌻✨